Couples Coach
Looking for a Couples Coach near you?
Select any coach profile to explore if they are a good personal fit for you, then contact them to set up an introductory meeting. Most of the below Couples Coaches see clients via Zoom or other video communication services, as well as in person.
Couples Coach
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What is a Couples Coach?
A couples coach assists you and your partner in navigating the complexities of your relationship. They can offer bespoke guidance to improve communications, enhance sexual compatibility, resolve conflicts, and deepen intimacy.
In session, your coach will teach you effective strategies for understanding each other’s needs, fostering mutual respect, and do relationship repair after an affair.
Techniques may include active listening and empathy exercises, honest emotional sharing, and building awareness around the differing ways couples approach intimacy.
A skilled couples coach can transform your relationship, and help you forge a stronger, more connected partnership.
Is a Couples Coach the Same as a Therapist or Counselor?
No. To be a therapist or counselor, you need to have a degree in psychotherapy, psychology, social work, or medicine. None of these degrees are required to be a couples coach.
While therapists often lean into the childhood underpinnings of an issue, coaches are more focused on the present and future and giving their clients tools for change.
Some couples coaches, like Somatica coaches, also have different physical boundaries than traditional therapists. They may chose to include certain forms of touch in sessions, either between coach and client, or client and their partner, to help resolve the issues at hand.
How Do We Pick the Best Couples Coach For Us?
While many coaches are seeing clients online, if it’s important for you to see your chosen practitioner in person, you should try and find a coach near you. Our location-based directory can help.
Or if you prefer to work with a coach of a specific gender identity, race, or sexual orientation, our directory offers female, male, nonbinary, trans, LGBTQIA, and BIPOC coaches.